Long Night of Application 2024 Overview of dates

Be there when up to 60 companies meet up to 300 applicants. Here you will find the current schedule of dates for our “Long Night of Application” events.

LNOA Vienna
28th May 2024
Live event

ALL spots for companies fully booked.

Registration for applicants from 5th May until 15th May 2024

25th November 2024
Live event

Reservation for companies possible

Registration for applicants
Date to be announced

20th March 2025
Online event

Reservation for companies possible

Registration for applicants
Date to be announced

Applicants & job seekers from abroad

At the Long Night of Application – in German called the “Lange Nacht der Bewerbung”, applicants find out who they really want to work for and learn how they can become a must-have for their dream companies. We are known as Austria’s best job matchmaker because we have been successfully matching companies with applicants for years.

Are you looking for a job? We will show you how to develop your personal brand and how you can show of your best skills in just two minutes. Marketing expert and career coach Doria Pfob and her team will be at your disposal in preparation for the event. With the help of modern methods and professional support, we will make you fit for your dream job.

You will then be ready to present your added value to the company of your choice in a 2-minute pitch and prove to them that you are the right candidate. Apply NOW: Up to four future dates – as we call the job interviews – are waiting for you! We are not a career fair in the classic sense, we are much more. Be there and see for yourself!

You’ll find even more input and answers to questions in doria’s CAREER GARAGE. Good luck!

Apply differently for jobs in austria

What do you offer a company that is willing to pay your new job about €40k per year – or even much more? If you want a job, you must be aware that your job will cost your desired company a lot of money. So, the question is: What value do you offer so that it really pays off to choose you?

In the preparation for the event, you will learn to apply differently and to present yourself better. Doria Pfob will inspire you – look forward to it! You will filter out those strengths that are indispensable for your future and think about how your future dream job can look like. 

After you have worked out your strengths and thought about why and where you would like to work, you develop a strategy based on this and ideally convince your dream company that it pays off to choose you.

Information for companies

The successful career event for companies, because the world of work is constantly changing, and so is the search for employees.

With the Long Night of the Application, companies can find out what kind of fire really burns in their future employees. In 5 hours, you can experience up to 20 interviews – or as we call them “future dates”. Not run-on-the-mill, but with added value! You will talk to people who consciously think about what they are excellent at and how they specifically want to enrich your company. Countless empty kilometers can be saved & new ideas for jobs are generated. You can discover potentials that fit your corporate culture, so that the future can succeed.

Applicants can get in touch with you in an uncomplicated, fast and cordial way. Dream conditions for your employer branding and an excellent candidate experience.

At this successful career event – made in Austria – companies will experience the true potential of people in the job market in just 2 minutes.

You want to be part of one of the next events and find new employees?

Sponsors & Companies – LNDB meets Lehrberuf.info -Vienna 2024

These companies are looking for you! Now, you can check out all the sponsors and companies in Graz 2023 where you can apply. Click on the logos to discover which job areas are currently in demand. Decide on at least 1 and up to 7 companies, and add them to the registration form. Don’t forget to let us know why you want to work for this specific company. Please note that this event takes place live on-site at Europasaal, WKO Styria.

The registration phase for applicants runs from November 5th to November 15th, 2023 (until midnight). HERE!

We ask for your understanding that we do not translate the individual company pages into English! However, you can quickly translate the pages using Google or ChatGPT 😉 BUT BE CAREFUL: Please note that for many companies, good knowledge of the German language is a requirement!

Our amazing companies
– by clicking on the logo, you can access all the information about the company –

Our fantastic radio partners

Our great event partners

Unsere großartigen Gewinn-Partner

Unsere großartigen Goodie Sponsoren

A few numbers

Online events for IT professionals
Online events
Federal capitals in Austria
Events, since the beginning 2017
Companies that love long nights
Applicants who have been there
Invitations to further interviews awarded
Applicants who have registered
Conducted interviews